Agenda item - Response to Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) within Brighton & Hove

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Agenda item

Response to Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) within Brighton & Hove

Report of the Executive Director for Children’s Services (copy attached).


11.1         The Executive Director for Children’s Services introduced the paper and noted that the matter of child sexual exploitation (CSE) had been discussed at the last meeting and it had been agreed to have a further report.  He also noted that since the last meeting, there had been an Ofsted inspection and one area it had looked at was CSE; and the inspectors’ comments had been very positive.  There was a lot of work taking place with schools and the police and this was overseen by the Safeguarding Board.  It was recognised that there were victims in the city and others yet to be identified.


11.2         Dr. Mack noted that there were budgetary pressures and a projected overspend in some areas and queried how this would have an impact on the work to address CSE.


11.3         The Executive Director for Children’s Services stated that overall projection for Children’s Services had increased, however resources had been put into priority areas and work was in hand to bring the overall projection down.


11.4         RESOLVED: That the Board’s assurance for the developing response to CSE within Brighton and Hove be noted and the Board’s thanks to the officers for a detailed paper be recorded.

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