Agenda item - Update on Cancer Screening in Brighton and Hove

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Agenda item

Update on Cancer Screening in Brighton and Hove

Report of the Director of Public Health (copy attached).


15.1         Dr. Kammerling introduced the paper which detailed the actions taken following the recommendations of a Task & Finish Group that had reviewed the issues raised by a presentation on cancer screening to the Board in October 2014.


15.2         Councillor Mac Cafferty welcomed the paper and noted that GP practices were working in clusters and queried whether that might lead to ‘super practices’ being established.


15.3         The Chief Operating Officer for the CCG informed the Board that there were 6 clusters across the city covering a population of 55,000 each, which would share resources and had scope to work across the areas.


15.4         Dr. Beasley stated that all practices had been asked about the idea of having ‘super practices’ and there had been no interest expressed for this but rather a preference for the federated model.


15.5         Dr. Mack stated that he was pleased to see the progress made but queried whether there could be any improvement in the release of data e.g. cervical smear information from NHS England.


15.6         Dr. Kammerling stated that it was accepted that there was a need to improve the time-lag for the release of data; however there was a due process that had to be followed.  He hoped that by the autumn there would be a visible improvement.


15.7         The Chair thanked Dr. Kammerling for attending the meeting and providing the update.


15.8         RESOLVED: That the paper be noted.

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