Agenda item - Strategic Risk Map Focus: SR2 Financial Outlook; and SR18 Effective Use of Technology

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Agenda item

Strategic Risk Map Focus: SR2 Financial Outlook; and SR18 Effective Use of Technology

Report of Interim Executive Director Finance & Resources (copy attached).


(1)            That Members’ questions of the Risk Owner based on the information provided in the Strategic Risk MAPs in Appendix 1 (Strategic Risk Assessment Report) be noted.



13.1    The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director Finance & Resources which informed Members that the Committee had a role to monitor the effectiveness of risk management and internal control.  This included oversight of the Strategic Risk Register which was set and reviewed every six months by the Executive Leadership Team (ELT).  Each Strategic Risk had a Risk Management Action Plan (a “risk MAP”) to deliver action to address the risk by a Risk Owner, a member of ELT.   The report was presented by the Risk Management Lead.


13.2    The meeting was attended by Rachel Musson, Interim Executive Director Finance & Resources who is the Risk Owner for both Strategic Risks SR” (Financial Outlook) and SR18 (Effective use of Technology).  Mark Watson, Chief Technology Officer attended to answer questions on SR18.           

13.3    Members first asked questions related to Strategic Risks SR 2 (Financial Outlook). 

13.4    Dr Horne asked if the risk was related to the current financial year.  The Interim Executive Director of Finance & Resources replied that the risk under discussion was medium term and current.  

13.5    Councillor Druitt stated that there was much mention of efficiency savings and value for money.  He asked how much more scope there was to save money without impacting services.  The Interim Executive Director Finance & Resources replied that £26m needed to be saved in this financial year alone.  The challenge was immense and it could not be carried out without changes to services.  The Council would prioritise services for the most vulnerable.  The budget took into account an equality impact assessment.      

13.6    Councillor Taylor asked about targets this last year and this year for the Value for Money programme.  The Interim Executive Director Finance & Resources confirmed that there had been a shortfall on delivery against targets for last year, and that she would respond to his outstanding request on the value of targets for this year.   

13.7    Diane Bushell referred to the consultation for the budget setting process.  She asked if officers were looking at options to involve the voluntary sector in the process.  The Interim Executive Director Finance & Resources confirmed that this issue was being addressed.  A report would be submitted to Policy & Resources Committee in July.  There would be a full consultation process. 

13.8    Members asked questions relating to SR18 (Effective use of Technology). 


13.9    Councillor Taylor asked if there was pooling of information and resources amongst different councils, for example learning the lessons from the interesting work at Adur & Worthing Council.  The Chief Technology Officer reported that officers were trying to absorb as much information as possible from other councils.  Officers were in touch with a number of Councils including Adur & Worthing Councils, worked closely with colleagues across the South East Seven partnership and were also talking to the private sector.  For example, the Chief Technology Officer had recently met with his counterpart at Amex.  

13.10  Councillor Cobb asked about changing the Citrix system to a new system and whether other Councils used this.  The Chief Technology Officer explained that Citrix would continue to be used across much of the authority for desktop usage and no change was proposed.  However Citrix was not the right solution for councillors and this was being addressed.

13.11  The Chief Technology Officer went on to explain that The Link, which is a consortium of public service ICT services across Sussex was another way the council worked in partnership.  The Council buys its network this way with East Sussex County Council, East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service and a number of Districts and Borough Councils.  It is open to all public service partners and is very successful. 

13.12  Councillor Cobb asked if other authorities had reported that they experienced similar problems with IT. The Chief Technology Officer replied that he had talked to other authorities about services to councillors.  Mobile services were one of the most significant difficulties.      

13.13  Dr Horne asked if there was a financial saving in the 2015/16 budget.  The Interim Executive Director Finance confirmed that there was a budget saving identified.  Some savings would be expected to be made through technical solutions. 

13.14  The Chief Technology Officer stated in terms of future years officers were looking at the relationship between investment in technology and savings. Investment in technology would not fill the financial gap, but would help. 

13.15  RESOLVED -

(1)            That Members’ questions of the Risk Owner based on the information provided in the Strategic Risk MAPs in Appendix 1 (Strategic Risk Assessment Report) be noted.


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