Agenda item - Items from Tenant Only Meeting

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Agenda item

Items from Tenant Only Meeting

Responses to items raised at the Tenant Only Meeting held on 16 December 2014 (copy attached as ‘blue pages’).


45.1      (Item 2- City Assembly) John Marchant stated that it was much preferred that this meeting be held in the Housing Centre.


45.2      Heather Hayes stated that she aware that wheelchair users had found it difficult to manoeuvre at Clarendon & Ellen.


45.3      Ray Marchant stated that use of the Housing Centre was free and should be used.


45.4      Peter Hartley stated that he had also heard of difficulties for wheelchair users and he had also noted that some of the fire exits had been blocked.


45.5      The Resident Involvement Manager stated that the comments of the Panel would be relayed to the Involvement & Empowerment Group regarding future meetings.


45.6      (Item 6- Closure of Housing Offices) John Marchant asked why temporary facilities could not have been set up after the emergency closure of Oxford Street Housing Office.


45.7      The Chair noted that Councillor Randall had asked for the feasibility of libraries being used.


45.8      The Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement clarified that the option of using a library had been investigated but had not been found to be feasible. Temporary measures had been established at Bartholomew House that could be used until the future of Oxford Street was determined.


45.9      The Chair stated that he hoped it could be communicated that Post Office branches would accept payments.


45.10   RESOLVED- That the responses provided to the items raised at the Tenant Only meeting be noted.

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