Agenda item - Update on the Development of the Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy

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Agenda item

Update on the Development of the Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy

Report of the Director of Public Health (copy attached).


(1)            That the progress on developing the new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy be noted.


(2)            That the emerging themes from the Health and Wellbeing Partnership event be noted.


(3)            That a proposal that the Directors of Public Health, Children and Adult Social Care and the Chief Operating Officer of the CCG consider the information from the Partnership event in conjunction with the JSNA and local NHS pressures, be supported.  They will then present a draft strategy for consideration by the Health and Wellbeing Board in March 2014.   If approved, the draft strategy will go out for formal consultation with a view to final Health and Wellbeing Board approval following the May election.





61.1    The Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health which summarised the results of engagement to date on the development of a new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, and in particular the results of the first Health and Wellbeing Partnership meeting held on Thursday 27th November 2014.  The report was presented by Tom Scanlon.  The current strategy covered five discreet areas.  In October 2014 the Board provisionally agreed on draft strategic priorities as set out in paragraph 4 of the report.

                    Questions and Discussion

61.2    Mia Brown referred to draft strategic priority 2 -  Give every child in the city the best chance in life. She expressed surprise that there was no mention of the high number of looked after children or the numbers on drug section plans and repeat drug section plans.  The Chair stressed that the report summarised suggestions made at the Health and Wellbeing Partnership meeting in November.  The suggestions would not necessarily be included in the final strategy.  The Chair agreed that the issues raised by Ms Brown were important.

61.3    Frances McCabe referred to Emerging Themes set out in Section 4 of the report - Build a resilient population.  These themes resonated with matters picked up by Healthwatch and Ms McCabe hoped that the themes would be considered in the strategy.  Ms McCabe referred to Further Considerations under section 4 on page 73 of the agenda concerning the severe pressures on national and NHS services both in primary and secondary care.  The Health and Wellbeing Board was asked to consider whether the adoption of a separate priority on health service delivery was appropriate.  Ms McCabe agreed that something along those lines was appropriate.

61.4    Councillor Shanks referred to the emerging themes section of 2 -  Give a child the best chance of life on page 69 of the agenda.  She made the point that home educated children had never been a priority before.  Councillor Shanks asked where this suggestion had come from.  The Chair replied that the report was outlining the comments made at the first Health and Wellbeing Partnership meeting held on 27 November 2014.

61.5    Councillor Morgan highlighted section 1 – Reduce inequalities across Brighton & Hove.  This referred to BME issues and the LGBT community but not to financial inequalities.  This was a big element missed out and it needed to be included.  Matters of importance were inequalities with regard to GP provision and inequalities due to poor diet and use of food banks.  Some of these issues were geographical. 

61.6    Councillor Jarrett referred to education.  There was an issue of people’s knowledge and the ability to make the right choices for themselves.  There was a need to look at education very broadly and include wider adult community education.  Many people did not know how to manage their long term health. 

61.7    Denise D’Souza commented that when there was talk about the quality of care homes this was referring to the quality of care homes in neighbouring authorities.  There was a capacity issue in Brighton & Hove rather than a quality issue.  Ms D’Souza referred to the Further Considerations section of 4 - Give every person the best chance of aging well.  She felt that mental health partners should be included in this section as they were under acute pressure.

61.8    The Chair summed up by stating that not everything reflected in the comments from the partnership meeting reflected the concerns of the Board.  He entrusted Tom Scanlon and his colleagues to use the feedback from this meeting along with the wider data sets to develop draft thinking for the next meeting.  The final strategy would be signed off post election.  

61.9    Councillor Jarrett asked if there was a timeframe for further comments.  Tom Scanlon replied that further comments could be received throughout February. 

61.10  RESOLVED:

(1)            That the progress on developing the new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy be noted.


(2)            That the emerging themes from the Health and Wellbeing Partnership event be noted.


(3)            That a proposal that the Directors of Public Health, Children and Adult Social Care and the Chief Operating Officer of the CCG consider the information from the Partnership event in conjunction with the JSNA and local NHS pressures, be supported.  They will then present a draft strategy for consideration by the Health and Wellbeing Board in March 2014.   If approved, the draft strategy will go out for formal consultation with a view to final Health and Wellbeing Board approval following the May election.


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