Agenda item - Sheltered Housing Stock Review

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Agenda item

Sheltered Housing Stock Review

(copy attached).


29.1      The Panel considered a report that outlined the result of the Sheltered Housing Stock Review and requested comment on various recommendations.


29.2      Bob Spacie stated that many residents at Laburnum Grove were concerned about the proposals and at £3,000 per flat; the scheme also appeared a costly process.


29.3      The Housing Stock Review Manager stated that he would be happy to speak to residents to reassure their concerns and also arrange visits to show flats.


29.4      The Chair asked if Mears had been approach to discuss costs.


29.5      The Housing Stock Review Manager stated that he would certainly approach Mears for their view.


29.6      Bob Spacie stated that many residents were worried about being moved whilst the work was undertaken.


29.7      The Chair stated that this was a large project and unfortunately people would have to be decanted.


29.8      The Housing Stock Review Manager acknowledged the difficulty for residents. He added that residents would be decanted within their current scheme and not moved elsewhere. Furthermore, residents had a choice if they wanted to move in with relatives or friends temporarily.


29.9      Barry L’Armie asked if it would be mandatory for residents to be decanted.


29.10   The Housing Stock Review Manager stated that the council would be assertive in its position but decanting would not be mandatory.


29.11   Bob Spacie stated that residents at Laburnum Grove were adamant that they did not want to move.


29.12   The Chair stated that the council wanted to ensure the best circumstances for tenants but also to future proof and improve its stock.


29.13   Bob Spacie stated that he did not think it was correct to mention flagship schemes in the committee report as it may create uncertainty for residents.


29.14   The Housing Stock Review Manager stated that he was in agreement and this would be removed from the committee report when it was submitted.


29.15   Heather Hayes asked if sheltered schemes were the last to be brought in line with Decent Homes Standards.


29.16   The Housing Stock Review Manager confirmed this was correct and the proposals would be beneficial in a number of ways.


29.17   The Chair stated that he believed wet rooms should be installed in the properties to be renovated.


29.18   Bob Spacie asked if new kitchen and bathrooms were being installed in properties due to be converted under the proposals.


29.19   The Performance & Improvement Officer clarified that Decent Homes was applicable to all council stock.


29.20   RESOLVED- That the report be noted.


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