Agenda item - Appointment of Deputy Chair

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Agenda item

Appointment of Deputy Chair


1.1         Councillor Cobb was proposed by Councillor Pidgeon but declined to be considered for the position as a decision had been taken by her group that they would not take on this role, she understood however that councillor Lepper had been offered the Deputy Chair. Councillor Lepper stated that this was not the case.


1.2         It was confirmed that as both of the other political groups had been offered this position, it was in order for the majority Green group to appoint the Deputy Chair. Councillor West stated that he wished to place on record his disappointment that this position had been offered to the other groups and that they had been unwilling to take on this responsibility.


1.3         Councillor Sykes was proposed as Deputy Chair by Councillor West Councillor Deane seconded the proposal and Councillor Sykes was therefore duly appointed as Deputy Chair.


1.4         RESOLVED - That Councillor Sykes be appointed Deputy Chair for the ensuing Municipal Year.


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