Agenda item - Inherited Hackney Carriage Plates

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Agenda item

Inherited Hackney Carriage Plates

Report of the Head of Planning and Public and Protection (copy attached)


34.1       The Committee considered a report of the Head of Planning and Public Protection in relation to inherited hackney carriage plates. One of the equality review measures to increase the proportion of wheelchair accessible vehicles had been to require transferred hackney carriages to become wheelchair accessible. This had been primarily targeted at the transfer of a vehicle licence following sale. The Taxi Forum had not foreseen the consequence that licences inherited on death of a licence holder  would also be caught by that provision. The trade had been consulted on and had agreed to the proposed exemption.


34.2             RESOLVED – That the Committee agree the following exemption:


Where the interest of an existing proprietor’s hackney carriage vehicle licence registration as amended under the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 s42 to a beneficiary or at the discretion of the Head of Planning and Public Protection, where the change of registration is required for reasons such as the incapacity of a proprietor or following a legal separation from a partner, and is not for financial gain the vehicle is exempt from becoming a wheelchair accessible at renewal unless previously required by licence conditions.

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