Issue - items at meetings - Licensing Update: Response to Letter from Councillor Farrow

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Licensing Update: Response to Letter from Councillor Farrow

Meeting: 19/06/2013 - Housing Committee (pre 2015) (Item 9)

9 HMO Licensing Update: Response to Letter from Councillor Farrow pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Report of Executive Director – Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).


9.1       The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Environment Development and Housing which provided an update on Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO).  Mr Reid, Head of Housing Strategy, presented the report.


9.2    Councillors Fitch, Peltzer Dunn and Rufus declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in the matter and left the room whilst the report was discussed.


9.3       Councillor Farrow thanked officers for the report but felt that the proposals weren’t robust enough and proposed an amendment to recommendation 2.2. Councillor Wilson seconded the amendment. The    amendment read:

‘That Housing Committee note the information on the Newham scheme and the legal parameters framing Additional Licensing and Selective Licensing schemes outlined in the report and instruct officers to further investigate and report back on advantageous use of  the schemes in other areas of the city’.


9.4       Councillor Mears said that any amendment should be provided in writing prior to the meeting in order to allow members to consider it. Councillor Farrow apologised for not providing it prior to the meeting, but felt that it was important that officers investigate the matter further.


9.5       Councillor Wilson referred to paragraph 3.8 of the report and the Additional Licensing Scheme which was previously agreed by the Committee, and asked what the cost was to landlords and what was involved. Mr Reid said the cost was £640 per property for a five year licence. Once an application had been received the property was visited, and issues discussed with the landlord and a timetable set for those issues to be addressed.


9.6   Councillor Kennedy felt that there could be a case to implement the scheme across the city, but similar schemes in other parts of the country should be monitored first.


9.7   The Committee voted on the proposed amendment, but it was not agreed.


9.8    RESOLVED:


(1)       That Housing Committee note progress with implementation of the Additional Licensing scheme in the five Lewes Road wards since the commencement of designation on 5 November 2012.

(2)       That Housing Committee note the information on the Newham scheme and the legal parameters framing Additional Licensing and Selective Licensing schemes outlined in the report.


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