Issue - items at meetings - Extra Care Housing Update

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Extra Care Housing Update

Meeting: 21/03/2013 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 173)

173 Extra Care Housing Update pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Extract from the proceedings of the Housing Committee meeting held on the 6th March 2013, together with a joint report of the Strategic Director; Place and Director of Adult Services (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)       That the proposed Brooke Mead Extra Care scheme which will be funded through affordable rents, a contribution from Adult Social Care revenue budgets, shared ownership and subsidy funding incorporated within the recent bid to the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA) be noted;


(2)               That proposals to proceed with a Planning application for the approval of extra care housing on the Brooke Mead Extra Care scheme, the current timetable for the proposed development and the pursuit of other funding options as detailed in the report be noted; and


(3)               That the vacant Housing Revenue Account (‘HRA’) block of Brooke Mead, Albion Street, Brighton as shown on the annexed plan to the report be demolished in order to be redeveloped, subject to Planning consent.



173.1          The Strategic Director; Place introduced the report and noted that it had been approved by the Housing Committee but under the current constitutional arrangements, the Policy & Resources Committee had to determine whether or not to approve the proposed demolition of council owned buildings.  He stated that the intention was to provide additional extra care housing provision and noted that if approved would contribute an additional £300k to the Adult Care & Health budget.


173.2          Councillor Wakefield stated that she fully supported the report’s recommendations and welcomed the proposed use of the site and provision of extra care accommodation that was desperately needed.


173.3          Councillor A. Norman stated that it would be a valuable addition to the extra housing stock and welcomed the focus on older people with dementia.


173.4          The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.


173.5          RESOLVED:


(1)    That the proposed Brooke Mead Extra Care scheme which will be funded through affordable rents, a contribution from Adult Social Care revenue budgets, shared ownership and subsidy funding incorporated within the recent bid to the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA) be noted;


(2)         That proposals to proceed with a Planning application for the approval of extra care housing on the Brooke Mead Extra Care scheme, the current timetable for the proposed development and the pursuit of other funding options as detailed in the report be noted; and


(3)         That the vacant Housing Revenue Account (‘HRA’) block of Brooke Mead, Albion Street, Brighton as shown on the annexed plan to the report be demolished in order to be redeveloped, subject to Planning consent.

Meeting: 06/03/2013 - Housing Committee (pre 2015) (Item 56)

56 Extra Care Housing Update pdf icon PDF 171 KB


Report of Strategic Director, Place


Contact Officer:         Martin Reid                           Tel: 29-3321


Additional documents:



56.7         RESOLVED


(1) That Committee note the proposed Brooke Mead Extra Care scheme which will be funded through affordable rents, a contribution from Adult Social Care revenue budgets, shared ownership and subsidy funding incorporated within the recent bid to the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA).


(2) That Committee note proposals to proceed with a Planning application for the approval of extra care housing on the Brooke Mead Extra Care scheme, the current timetable for the proposed development and the pursuit of other funding options as detailed in the report.


(3) That the Committee recommend that the Policy and Resources Committee agree that the vacant Housing Revenue Account (‘HRA’) block of Brooke Mead, Albion Street, Brighton [as shown on the annexed plan] be demolished in order to be redeveloped, subject to Planning consent.


56.1         The Committee considered the report of the Strategic Director Place, which provided an update on the progress to secure extra care housing in the city in relation to the recent bid to the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA). The report also provided details of the proposed Brooke Mead Extra Care Scheme. In addition to the report the Committee were given a presentation from the designers of the aforementioned Brooke Mead development.


56.2         Councillor Barnett thanked officers for the report and presentation and said the scheme looked very good. Councillor Barnett asked whether the units would have wet rooms or bathrooms, and also said that she was concerned that there were only 3 car park spaces for 45 units. The designers of the scheme said that the bathrooms would not have baths, but there would be a communal bath within the building. They were working with the planning authority on the parking provision.


56.3         Councillor Powell thanked officers for the report and presentation and said that she was happy to support the scheme. Councillor Powell said that as the local Ward Councillor she was very familiar with the area and was aware that residents who lived very close to the site were hoping that the land in question would be used as a garden, and asked if it were possible for part of the site to be used for that. The designers said that there would be an area of garden in the new development. Councillor Powell asked if solar panels would be used, and was advised that it was a possibility and would be looked at.


56.4         Councillor Farrow asked if it were possible to add another floor to the building. The designers said that it was very unlikely planning permission would be given for that; the top of the proposed building could be seen from The Steine and planners had asked the architects to check the height of the building.


56.5         Councillor Fitch said it was a venture which should be supported, and agreed with Councillor Powell that it would be useful if there were some open space too.


56.6         Councillor Davey asked what the timescale would be for the scheme, and was advised that the planning application would be submitted in April 2013, with a decision in July, and if it was agreed for work to start at the end of the year. The Strategic Director Place reiterated that the scheme was still dependent on getting HCA funding.


56.7         Councillor Peltzer Dunn thanked officers for the report and complimented the architects on the design of the building. He noted that there was a discrepancy in the report and appendix, on the number of units in the building. Officers confirmed that the intention was to have 45 units (39 x 1 bedroom and 6 x two bedrooms). Councillor Peltzer Dunn asked about the Service Charge and whether that would include the cost of any extra care. It was confirmed that the Service Charge would cover hearing, water rates and ancillary services, but any care charges would be separate.


56.8         Councillor Mears asked for clarity on the cost of the scheme, why it was not being funded from the General Fund and why it was being parted funded from Housing and not just from Adult Social Care. The Head of Housing Strategy said that if HCS funding were agreed a further report would be provided giving full information on the cost of the scheme.


56.9         RESOLVED


(1) That Committee note the proposed Brooke Mead Extra Care scheme which will be funded through affordable rents, a contribution from Adult Social Care revenue budgets, shared ownership and subsidy funding incorporated within the recent bid to the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA).


(2) That Committee note proposals to proceed with a Planning application for the approval of extra care housing on the Brooke Mead Extra Care scheme, the current timetable for the proposed development and the pursuit of other funding options as detailed in the report.


(3) That the Committee recommend that the Policy and Resources Committee agree that the vacant Housing Revenue Account (‘HRA’) block of Brooke Mead, Albion Street, Brighton [as shown on the annexed plan] be demolished in order to be redeveloped, subject to Planning consent.


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