Issue - items at meetings - Chair's Communications

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Issue - meetings

Chair's Communications

Meeting: 28/11/2012 - Environment & Sustainability Committee (Item 30)

Chair's Communications


30.1               Councillor West provided the following communication:


“I would first of all like to welcome Councillor Cox as new member of the committee.


I am glad to say that Eco Open Houses has enjoyed another successful year. I think you will all agree that this showcase makes an increasingly valuable contribution, demonstrating practical measures to make homes more sustainable and cost effective to run. I understand Eco Open Houses is to move to June next year to align with the Eco Technology Show, which will no doubt strengthen both of these initiatives.

I am very grateful to the group of pupils from St Bartholomews School, who with me, cut the turf as we begin the much anticipate renewal of the Level. And I am grateful also to Veolia Environmental Trust for awarding £50,000 in support of our development of the new skatepark at the Level. The work is progressing well towards reopening next summer.

I was delighted to witness the switch on of the new energy saving lights at the Royal Pavilion, which I am told use just one eighth of the energy of their defunct predecessors.

Councillor Skyes and I were both impressed by the Energy Café & Albion in the Community kid’s football club roadshow which we attended in Coldean.  The aim of the day was to introduce residents to energy efficiency measures while the kids honed their footie skills.

I was presented with a pack of energy saving measures that 10:10 are distributing. The pack includes an energy meter which has help me see the cost of electricity we are using at home, and I am now eyeing my fridge with suspicion. I aim to pass on the pack on soon.

I recently visited Patcham Memorial gardens to meet with our gardeners and volunteers from the university of the 3rd age, who have been working hard tackling the shrub growth and making the park brighter and more inviting. Thank you and well done to them.

I’m please to report that the new Whitehawk Hill masterplan has received great local interest with 30% of consultees responding, and showing very positive support for the plan.

The Leader of the Council and I have also visited Wild Park to meet volunteers making a start on the 10 year programme of improvements to habitats including efforts to save and expand the patches of rare species-rich downland chalk grassland.

Following committees decision to endorse the Memorandum of Understand with the National Park, I can report the Leader of the Council and Chair of the Park Authority have signed the agreement at Stanmer House – the relationship between the two authorities is building very positively.

Congratulations are due to Brighton Peace and Environment Centre which has celebrated their 30th birthday.  I look forward to the next 30 years of their important work with communities and schools promoting peace and sustainable living.

I would also like to draw member’s attention to the new B&HESCo, a great new initiative that promises to have great positive impact for residents struggling with rising energy bills.  The aim is for the B&HESCo to bulk purchase energy and pass on discounts to customers while also supporting local energy saving and renewable energy schemes. This initiative has a lot of potential for helping with the fight against fuel poverty.

And finally, can I thank committee members for attending our recent visit to Newhaven, I think we all found that very helpful in developing our understand of the waste PFI.  I am discussing with officers future visits, and I propose we take a short report at the next committee that allows Members to develop a proper schedule of future visits”.




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