Issue - items at meetings - CLG consultation: How change of use is handled in the planning system

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CLG consultation: How change of use is handled in the planning system

Meeting: 15/09/2011 - Planning, Employment, Economy & Regeneration Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 34)

34 CLG consultation: How change of use is handled in the planning system pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)         That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Employment, Economy & Regeneration approves and endorses the council’s response to the Government’s consultation regarding the reform and further deregulatory role of the change of use process and GPDO (see Appendix 1).


34.1               The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place seeking approval of the council’s response to the Government Issues Paper seeking views on revisions to improve and reform how change of use is handled within the planning system, which included reviewing how the current Use Classes Order (UCO) was structured and possible changes to the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO).


34.2               The Cabinet Member advised that she was supportive of a review of Permitted Development Rights and the UCO and the need to remove unnecessary barriers to economic growth and provide additional homes, but that she was concerned about the complete liberalisation of the UCO because it was important to maintain a balance between homes and places to work in city with limited space.


34.3               Councillor Morgan welcomed the review and proposed flexibility, but did not support wholesale deregulation in relation to change of use. He noted that Section 106 contributions for ‘public good’ would be lost and that high streets would be threatened by the promotion of out-of-town shopping developments.


34.4               Councillor C Theobald stated that it was a shame that the response had already been submitted to the government. She advised that, when considering change of use, it was necessary to strike a balance between encouraging development and maintaining democratic accountability.


34.5               RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the following recommendations be accepted:


(1)         That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Employment, Economy & Regeneration approves and endorses the council’s response to the Government’s consultation regarding the reform and further deregulatory role of the change of use process and GPDO (see Appendix 1).


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