Issue - items at meetings - Response to Street Access Scrutiny Report

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Response to Street Access Scrutiny Report

Meeting: 26/07/2010 - Environment Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 28)

28 Response to the report of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee Scrutiny Panel on 'Street Access Issues' pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Report of the Director of Environment (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)         That the Cabinet Member notes the evidence, findings and recommendations of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and its scrutiny panel in relation to Street Access Issues.


(2)         That the Cabinet Member agrees the actions detailed in the officer response to Scrutiny Recommendations 1,7,8,9,10,11,12,14 and 15 (Appendix 1) with particular regard to the timescales and constraints identified.


(3)         That the Cabinet Member notes that the responses to Scrutiny’s recommendations 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 and 13 (Appendix 1) will be considered by Licensing Committee as they relate to non executive licensing functions.


28.1               The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Environment concerning the executive response to the recommendations made by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee Scrutiny Panel on Street Access Issues.


28.2               The Cabinet Member stated that it was a complex subject that required a balance to be achieved for businesses, residents and visitors to the city. The response to the panel’s findings highlighted what the council was already doing and how it intended to progress the recommendations.


28.3               Councillor Mitchell read out the following comments from Councillor Rufus who chaired the scrutiny panel, but was unable to stay for consideration of the report:


§         Councillor Rufus was pleased that the response agreed with the panel’s recommendations and that he understood the comments made in reference to impediments to immediate implementation on some on them.

§         The panel had recognised that the existing council policy could be seen as generally robust, and therefore had not suggested wholesale changes, but had placed significant emphasis on proper implementation, which was seen as the main weakness.

§         The panel had suggested areas were the policy could be tightened up and also addressed issues such as communal bins and bicycles which also created obstructions.

§         A key element to promoting better street access would be through improved enforcement and the panel recognised the problems that had been encountered and looked forward to seeing improvements.

§         The Panel welcomed the willingness of traders and disability and access groups to work together to find less obtrusive advertising boards, and hoped that with the council’s support it would be successful.

§         The Panel wished to thank the Overview & Scrutiny Team for their support and the Head of Network Management and her team for their input.


28.4               The Head of Network Management thanked the panel for their ideas, which were very helpful to officers. She reported that the recommendations relating to licensing matters had already been agreed by the Licensing Committee, subject to some practical issues. The recommendations would work well alongside the Streetscape Design Guidelines and the council would begin work on raising awareness.


28.5               RESOLVED - That having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations:


(1)         That the evidence, findings and recommendations of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and its scrutiny panel in relation to Street Access Issues be noted.


(2)         That the the actions detailed in the officer response to Scrutiny Recommendations 1,7,8,9,10,11,12,14 and 15 (Appendix 1) be agreed with particular regard to the timescales and constraints identified.


(3)         That it be noted that the responses to Scrutiny’s recommendations 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 and 13 (Appendix 1) will be considered by Licensing Committee as they related to non executive licensing functions.


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