Issue - items at meetings - Deputations

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Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/01/2010 - Environment Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 87)

87 Deputations pdf icon PDF 52 KB

(The closing date for receipt of deputations is 12 noon on 19 January 2009)


(copy attached).


87.1               The Cabinet Member reported that one deputation had been received.


87.2               The Cabinet Member considered a deputation from Ms Juliette Hunting requesting controlled parking zones M, N and O be merged to form one central zone to alleviate the individual pressure on the each of the zones and allow residents more freedom to park (for copy see minute book).


87.3               Councillor Watkins spoke in support of the proposals detailed in the deputation and supporting petition.


87.4               The Cabinet Member advised that the objective of reducing parking pressure in Zone M could be achieved through using some of the spare parking capacity in Area O. The Area O scheme was at 89% capacity with 1,929 permits on issue for the 2,167 permit spaces available. Merging the two schemes would therefore benefit Area M residents by increasing the number of permit bays available to them. Area O residents would have less to gain from merging the two parking zones. With larger zones, internal commuting within the zone could become an issue although, due to the size and geography of the potential new OM zone, it was unlikely that this would cause significant problems.


A suggested merger of Areas O, M and N would be more problematic and would be unlikely to reap the same benefits as an OM merger. Zone N was at 97% capacity and so a merger with Zone N would not significantly increase the amount of parking available.  Area N was also one of the largest zones and, if the three zones were to be merged, internal commuting within the new large zones could present problems, particularly with the draw of parking close to Western Road shops.


The Cabinet Member advised that the council would include a review of Areas O and M in the future priority parking scheme timetable to ensure that the council had the available resources to look into it carefully.  The agreement of the Goldsmid Ward councillors would be required in order to proceed with the investigation.


87.5               RESOLVED – That the deputation be noted.


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