Decision - Former Oxford Street housing office - review of future options

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Decision details

Former Oxford Street housing office - review of future options

Decision Maker: Housing & New Homes Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report sets out high level options for the future of this Housing Revenue Account owned building.


1)       That the range of future options for this HRA owned commercial property set out in paragraph 4 be noted.

2)     That it be agreed that a further, fully costed report be brought back to Housing & New Homes Committee for consideration, focussing on options which make best use of the asset, meet housing needs in the city and / or generate a financial return for the council, whether revenue or capital.


Report author: Simon Pickles

Publication date: 11/11/2015

Date of decision: 11/11/2015

Decided at meeting: 11/11/2015 - Housing & New Homes Committee

Effective from: 19/11/2015

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