Decision - Annual Report to council tenants and leaseholders 2014

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Decision details

Annual Report to council tenants and leaseholders 2014

Decision Maker: Housing Committee (pre 2015)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


19.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Environment, Development and Housing which informed members that the Council was required under the current regulatory framework for social housing landlords to publish a ‘timely and relevant’ annual report for council tenants.  The annual report for the year ending 31 March 2014 had been produced with the involvement of tenants and leaseholders and was attached to the report.  The report was presented by the Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement. 


19.2    Councillor Peltzer Dunn thought it was a good report with a great deal of information.  He asked for clarification on whether the report related to the financial year or the actual year.    


19.3    The Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement confirmed that the report related to the financial year 2013/14.  Tenants wanted the report to be produced in this way.   


19.4    Councillor Meadows considered the report was good value and was impressed at the production costs.  However, she stressed that 40% of the residents in her ward were not digitised and was concerned that these residents would not be able to access information online.  She asked what was being done for those people who were not online. 


19.5         The Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement assured Councillor Meadows that officers made sure that all information was made available in printed form.  Meanwhile, officers were trying to encourage people to start using the internet.  This was particularly important as in a couple of years tenants would need access to the internet to claim benefits and make payments.   


19.6    The Chair stressed this was an important issue and mentioned that 85% of people now had smartphones and were able to use their phones in many ways.    


19.7    Councillor Mears was pleased to see the reference to Seaside Homes on the last page of the Annual Report.  Councillor Mears felt it would be helpful for this section to have more detail.   Councillor Mears referred to the section of the Annual Report which stated that 100% gas compliance during the year had been achieved first time.  She commented that this would depend on the quarter being looked at.  The rest of the report had been produced extremely well.


19.8    The Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement explained that officers were trying to report that for the first time ever, 100% gas compliance had been achieved.  The aim was to give assurance to tenants that officers can perform on that level.  


19.9    RESOLVED - That the Housing Committee approves the annual report to council tenants and leaseholders 2014 at Appendix 1 for publication and distribution to all council tenants and leaseholders in the autumn edition of Homing In.


Report author: Ododo Dafe

Publication date: 10/09/2014

Date of decision: 10/09/2014

Decided at meeting: 10/09/2014 - Housing Committee (pre 2015)

Effective from: 18/09/2014

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