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Agenda item


Report of the Executive Director for Health & Adult Social Care.



43.1                 RESOLVED:


That the Board:


1.     Noted the annual report from the Towards Zero HIV Taskforce.


2.     Agreed the draft Terms of Reference of the Taskforce.



43.1                 Stephen Nicholson, Lead commissioner HIV, sexual health and substance misuse, introduced the first Fast Track Cities report. This report covered the progress made in the aims to build, develop and improve existing HIV programmes and resources in high HIV burden cities and specifically Brighton & Hove as the first UK city to sign up to the international initiative. He added that the report is to support the journey in achieving the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets by 2020 and to eradicate HIV stigma and discrimination. He stated that he would like to thank Councillor Yates, the Leader of the Council and Dr Gillian Dean for co-chairing the Taskforce and all of the members of the Taskforce for their valuable contribution.


43.2                 The Director of Public Health expressed his endorsement for the campaign in terms of the many lives lost to AIDS in the city. He added that the baseline data revealed ambition for the initiative and asked if there would be an annual report each year..


43.3                 The Chair welcomed the report and thanked the Towards Zero HIV Taskforce. She added that HIV had far reaching consequences beyond this city.


43.4                 Councillor Page stated that there were a percentage of people who were unaware of their HIV status who were not getting treated and the Action Plans 2018-2019 stated that actions to tackle this included increased funds and resources. The budget for HIV and sexual services has had a substantial reduction of 13% simultaneously to a 13% rise in clinic attendance and he asked how much impact and improvement of testing uptake would the Fast Track Cities initiative have on those living with HIV.


43.5               The Director for Public Health stated that public health budgets had nationally been reduced annually since 2015/16 and within that, local authorities had to take budgeting decisions and priorities locally. He responded to Councillor Page that the initiative was effective through partnership by bringing together experts and people affect across the city to collectively focus on raising the profile of the challenges and achieving those goals together.


43.6                 Councillor Taylor stated there were a low number of heterosexual people that tested for HIV and it was for the whole city to be responsible - illness never discriminated. He stated that in the report there was an absence of a green tick for the City specific Dashboard on the Web portal and questioned if this had now been updated or if there was an estimated time of delivery.


43.7                 Stephen Nicholson responded that they were still in discussion with the Fast-Track Cities Executive about creating the dashboard, although the information was currently available to populate it.


43.1                 RESOLVED:


That the Board:


1.     Noted the annual report from the Towards Zero HIV Taskforce.


2.     Agreed the draft Terms of Reference of the Taskforce.

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